La Slope Indicator produce un'ampia gamma di sensori geotecnici e strutturali per il monitoraggio di pendenze, spostamenti, pressioni e deformazioni. La Slope Indicator fornisce anche sistemi di acquisizione dati e software per l'elaborazione e la presentazione grafica dei dati in tempo reale.
1) Digitilt Inclinometer Probe
Monitors deflections in vertical Inclinometer casing. Supplied with custom cable with vulcanised markers (see 2).
2) Inclinometer Cable and Reel
Colour coded markers every 0.5 metres, steel core prevents cable stretching.
3) Digitilt DataMate
Readout for Inclinometer Probes and Spiral Sensors. Supplied with hand-switch, automatically records readings and generates check-sums.
4) DMM Data Management Software
DataMate Manager (DMM) software configures the DataMate and transfers data to and from a PC.
5) EL Sled Sensor
For monitoring sub surface movements when installed in Inclinometer casing. Fully waterproof incorporating ceramic sensor.
6) Spiral Sensor
Used to measure casing spiral (twist) for correction of inclinometer data.
7) EPIC Inclinometer Casing
Extruded ABS 70mm diameter inclinometer casing.
8) Quick-Lock Casing
Broached ABS casing, available in 85, 70 & 48mm diameters. Nylon 'quick-lock' cords reduce installation time.
9) QC Casing
Broached ABS casing simpiy pushes together to provide maximum installation speed with strong, waterproof, flush joints. Demonstration video available.
10) Standard Inclinometer Casing
Broached ABS inclinometer casing available in 85, 70 & 48mm diameters.
11) Pulley Assembly
Locates on the top of installed inclinometer casing, helps operator control depth ot probe accurately and prevents wear on control cable.